Fractions Explained - Fast
The hardest thing about learning fractions is adding them. Multiplication is easy, but addition is usually taught as a complex multi-step process. It's a real pain.
But it doesn't have to be that way. Take the two fractions to be added..
a c
b d
Take the diagonal numbers (top left and bottom right) and multiply them, a*d
Do the other diagonal, c*b
Add the two results (a*d)+(c*b)
That's the "top" (numerator) of the answer.
The "bottom" (denominator) of the answer is much easier, it's just b*d
You're done!
Did you notice the pattern? It's two diagonals and a base, like this..
A lot of mathematics involves patterns.
To multiply fractions just multiply the tops and multiply the bottoms. So..
a c
b d
is (a*c)/(b*d)
That's it. Fractions done in a few minutes. With the time saved why not study more interesting math topics!
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Content written and posted by Ken Abbott
Internet Marketing Consultant