Ken's Gazpacho
Easy, healthy and delish.
First the liquid. Get a large can of San Marzano tomatoes. Make sure it has the DOP seal. Without this it's not the real thing no matter what the label says.
Pour into a large bowl, then get something flat and crush the tomatoes. Add a spash of Balsamic Viengar, Worcester Sauce, fresh lime juice and a few spashes of olive oil. Grind in some fresh pepper and add a pinch of salt.
That's the liquid. Now for the vegatables. Take your food processor and add a couple of chunks of onions, 2 garlic cloves, some fresh basil, a few chunks of cucumber and a few chuncks of orange bell pepper. Grind until fine and add this to the bowl. Mix well.
Then chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours and preferably overninght.
Serve cold.
Tech Notes:
Content written and posted by Ken Abbott
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